How to prepare perfect and healthy Soil for Summer Plants
Collect soil from your region first.
It’s red, black,
sand, clay, or brown. And properly clean it. The stronger the soil, the
stronger the roots, and the healthier your plant will be. Keep 20 kg of soil in
the sun for one day. Sprinkle water to make it moist.
If we reposition
our plant in ordinary soil without tampering with it.
Therefore, after
three or four additions of water, this dirt hardens into stone.
Then it gets
really tight if you loosen it with a trowel.
And when we pour
water into it, it takes a while for the water to enter.
It turns to stone.
Use gardening gloves to
protect your skin.
Soil is 20 kg, so
take 10 kg compost.
Take any compost you like.
A choice of vermi,
kitchen waste, leaves, or cow dung.
Compost is
incredibly potent and rich in minerals and nutrients.
It also goes by
the name "black gold."
It improves the
soil's texture and softens the soil.
If your soil is
red, then you can decrease the quantity of compost.
Red soil contains
humus, and it retains wet for a long time.
Otherwise, add
compost, just half of soil.
Cocopeat is mandatory in summers.
Cocopeat is made
out of coconut husk.
It should be just
half of Compost.
We will add sand
equal to cocopeat.
Sand is 5 kg, well
drained soil is made from sand,
If you have sandy
soil, then can reduce its quantity
Neem cake powder
Put about half a
kilo of neem cake in 20 kg of soil.
Compost, neem cake
powder, cocopeat if they are little bit less or more, then no issue.
Lumsum Soil,
compost should be half of soil,
Cocopeat and sand
should be half of compost.
and neem cake
powder as per smell.
mix it properly.
If you have black soil, then you will not see much changes
but if you have
red, brown soil, you will see changes in colour.
In starting, it
was light brown but now it is dark brown
This 20 kg soil is
now 40 kg.
It is light in
weight, it has nutrition,
It holds moisture and it is pest free.
If you are buying
any plant from nursery, or repotting any plant, then use this soil only. This
is all about summer soil preparation.